Make Your New Years Resolution Ejji-er

The month of January has almost come to an end, have you met your new years resolution yet? Ditch the typical resolutions, here’s an idea to make your resolution a bit more “Ejji-er”; If you haven’t thought of one yet. Make your resolution a...

What’s the deal with Kobe Beef?

What is Kobe Beef? Kobe beef, pronounced “ko-bay” is beef that comes from a grass fed breed of Japanese cattle called “Tajima-gyu”, also known to be called “Wagyu”. There are many qualifications that must be met in order for kobe...

Baltimore’s Best Ramen Goes to…

And the best ramen in Baltimore goes to…us! That’s right, we just got named by City Paper 2015 ! We couldn’t be more excited to share this news with you, in one month we will have been opened for one year at the market, and if we can be named best...